Freshmen Orientations at Mississippi College Wrap up in July

Mississippi College leaders will welcome hundreds of incoming students at freshmen orientations.
A maximum of 200 freshmen is booked for the first round of informative sessions on the Clinton campus May 30-31. New freshmen can still sign up for two remaining orientations June 10-11 and July 11-12.
It’s an opportunity for newcomers to get to know President Blake Thompson, register for classes and spend the night in university residence halls.
There’s plenty of time to dine at the school cafeteria, visit the college bookstore and tour the scenic Clinton campus.
The registration fee to attend MC orientation is $200. It’s the best way to learn about life in Blue & Gold Country.
Along with 200 incoming freshmen, an additional 400 family members and friends made the journey for the first orientation session last year, says Jonathan Ambrose, assistant vice president for student affairs.
Ambrose and his staff always work hard to get student leaders ready to greet newcomers at the marathon of events. Training sessions are required, mixing business with a little fun.
Orientation teams establish goals. They want incoming students to soak up the Mississippi College culture through a blitz of activities to lead to a successful undergraduate experience. It opens doors for freshmen to meet faculty, staff and upper class students during their two-day stay.
Visitors can also discover what Clinton and metro Jackson offers – from businesses to cultural attractions.
Students are permitted to bring as many as four guests to orientation. Housing on campus is only reserved for new students. Parents and guests should consider other lodging options such as nearby hotels.
At the first orientation a year ago there were visitors traveling from at least eight states, including Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, Tennessee, Georgia and Texas. Others made the trip from as far away as Michigan and Missouri.
Incoming freshmen hear from a parade of speakers, and get acquainted with MC academic deans and professors. They learn about campus ministries and dozens of student organizations.
President Thompson attended his first Mississippi College freshmen orientations a year ago.
There’s plenty to do for parents. They will find out about financial aid, scholarships and much more at Mississippi College.
Mississippi College’s Office of Student Life hosts separate orientations for college transfer students on June 20 and July 24.
MC officials will conduct regular registration on Monday August 26. This Fall, Mississippi College will begin its 194th academic year.
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