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Kazery receives Mississippi College’s first Academic Advisor Award

Dr. Joseph Kazery, left, MC instructor in biological sciences, receives Mississippi College's inaugural Outstanding Undergraduate Academic Advisor Award from MC Provost and Executive Vice President Mike Highfield.
Dr. Joseph Kazery, left, MC instructor in biological sciences, receives Mississippi College's inaugural Outstanding Undergraduate Academic Advisor Award from MC Provost and Executive Vice President Mike Highfield.

Dr. Joseph Kazery, MC assistant professor of biological sciences, has been selected as the inaugural Mississippi College’s Outstanding Undergraduate Academic Advisor Award recipient. MC Provost and Executive Vice President Mike Highfield and MC Assistant Provost Keith Randazzo presented the award to Kazery on Jan. 28.

Established by the MC Office of Institutional Effectiveness and the ARISE Advising Office and Advisory Board, the honor recognizes advisors who “go above and beyond” in supporting their advisees and students. An award will be presented to an MC advisor during the spring and fall semesters.

Highfield said academic advising plays a vital role in MC’s mission to educate, support and develop students academically and professionally.

“Effective advising not only helps students navigate their academic journey, but also empowers them to think critically, set meaningful goals and prepare for success beyond graduation,” Highfield said. “Dr. Kazery exemplifies this commitment through his dedication to student success, and we are grateful for his impact on our students and the University community.”

Kazery, who is completing his 12th year of service to MC, said he is deeply honored to be selected for the award.

“Academic advising is crucial to every student’s success,” Kazery said. “Proverbs states that we need to seek wise counsel and without guidance, people fail. I did not have advising when I was working on my undergraduate degree. With my student advisees, I want to be as genuine as I can and provide them with information that I wished I had known when I was in their shoes.

“Everyone needs a mentor to give sound, honest advice. It is a blessing to help direct and shape part of someone’s path. I pray that my interactions with my students have an impact on them and help them in the future.”

Candidates for the award are chosen based on the core values put forth by NACADA, the global community for academic advising. The organization identifies exemplary advisors as being caring, committed, empowering, inclusive, professional, respectful and filled with integrity.

The first recipient of the award was selected by a committee consisting of faculty members from MC’s Office of Institutional Effectiveness and the ARISE Advising Office after reviewing recommendations submitted by undergraduate students. Moving forward, the recipient will be chosen by a university committee that will consider the undergraduates’ recommendations.

“Dr. Kazery far exceeds the minimum requirements for academic advising set forth by the University,” Randazzo said. “He works diligently with his students, who report that he is very accessible and approachable. He is invested in his students and supports and encourages them as they progress through their programs. He also works with them as they seek to move into their professional careers.”

MC Professor and Chair of Biology Beth Barlow called Kazery a “wonderful advisor.”

“The student love him and he genuinely cares about each of them,” she said. “He takes the time to talk with his advisees in order to get to know them.”

Highfield credited MC faculty members supporting the Institution’s Quality Enhancement Plan for developing the Outstanding Undergraduate Academic Advisor Award.

“I am grateful to Dr. Martha D’Amico, Dr. Rachel Peeples and Dr. Keith Randazzo for their exceptional leadership in advancing our QEP initiative focused on enhancing academic advising,” he said. “Their dedication and achievements over the past two years have surpassed expectations and made a meaningful impact on our students, faculty and academic programs.”