Student Involvement Fair gives new, returning Choctaws ‘sense of belonging’ at MC

During her first semester at Mississippi College, Alena Trotter wanted to learn how to make a positive impact on her new university community.
She met Shari Barnes, director of afterschool programs in Christian Development, at the Student Involvement Fair and learned about MC’s Community Service Center. Trotter began volunteering at the Food Pantry and has been an active participant ever since.
“My favorite part of the Involvement Fair is meeting new people who are passionate about similar interests as mine,” the sophomore biochemistry major from Bolton said. “It’s like a networking event.”
New and returning MC students had the opportunity to chat with representatives of different campus organizations and to join any that interested them during the Office of Student Engagement-sponsored Student Involvement Fair Jan. 14 in the Commons.
Kelsey Sanchez, director of student engagement, said the event helped students obtain a “sense of belonging” at Mississippi College.
“We want them to feel at home here,” Sanchez said. “Getting involved is truly the best way to do that.”
Among the organizations to be represented at the fair were the Baptist Student Union, Mock Trial and the Choctaw Swing Dancers.
“It is always fun to have the organizations in one room and to see all that MC has to offer,” Sanchez said.
While attending her initial fair, Trotter noted the absence of an environmental club on campus. Volunteering with the MC Community Service Center helped give her the confidence to start a club of her own.
She represented the Environmental Student Organization at the Jan. 14 fair.
“I am so glad I took a leap of faith and I am proud of our club’s recycling progress and environmental impact on the MC campus,” she said.
Trotter’s advice for new Choctaws attending their first Student Involvement Fair?
“Choose to be involved in something you are passionate about and show consistency and commitment,” she said. “This will be good for your resume.”
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