Be an advocate for victims and survivors of child abuse
MC’s Child Advocacy Studies Training (CAST) program is a valuable asset for a variety of professions that routinely work with children and families. The program is designed to equip you to advocate on behalf of victims and survivors of child abuse and neglect by exploring a multidisciplinary approach to recognizing, assessing, managing, and responding to child maltreatment.
The CAST curriculum focuses on ethical, trauma informed, realistic, and culturally proficient content that provides you the needed foundation for properly caring for children in cases of child abuse and neglect.
You may earn a minor or certificate in Child Advocacy Studies Training. The CAST certificate is offered at the undergraduate and graduate levels. The courses are the same, with the graduate level program requiring additional workload.
The CAST minor and certificate are approved and offered by Zero Abuse Project Protection Training Center, a 501(c)(3) organization committed to transforming institutions in order to effectively prevent, recognize, and respond to child maltreatment.
*More than 20 Mississippi Institutions of Higher Learning offer either a certificate and/or minor in CAST.