Parents, Siblings Learn What Choctaw Student Life Is All About During Family Weekend at MC

Every fall, Aimee and Tommy Poché load up the family vehicle and make the three-hour trek from Prairieville, Louisiana, to Mississippi College for a fun-filled Family Weekend that offers a unique insight into their students’ lives on the Christian University’s campus.
The parents of two proud Choctaw undergrads treasure the opportunity to engage with their children in the students’ home academic surroundings. Their son, Asa, a third-year student majoring in business administration, is eyeing a December 2024 graduation with plans to pursue his M.B.A. at MC. Their daughter, Cheryl Grace, is a second-year student and Laguna tribe member who is preparing for a career in elementary education.
“Family Weekend is an event our entire family eagerly looks forward to each year,” Aimee Poché said. “You can feel the excitement in the air as the semester approaches. This event gives our students the opportunity to show us around campus, stroll along the brick streets, enjoy coffee, and return to the Quad for exciting tailgating festivities.
“Mississippi College has cultivated a welcoming family atmosphere, providing a sense of God’s presence, peace, and security for families who may struggle with letting go of their students. MC has fostered a distinctive culture that enhances the overall college experience. Seeing members of the clubs and tribes celebrating the day with delicious food and smiles while introducing their families to friends and MC faculty truly make Mississippi College a special place for students.”
The Pochés will join hundreds of Choctaw family members who will get a glimpse into the lives of their MC students during this year’s Family Weekend, scheduled for Friday-Saturday, Sept. 20-21, on the Clinton campus.
Sponsored by the Offices of Family Engagement, Student Engagement, and Special Events, Family Weekend featured a variety of activities that give families time to enjoy a football weekend together and take in the full “Choctaw Experience.”
Jake Donald, director of alumni and family engagement, said Family Weekend marks the first opportunity since Move-In Day to invite families back to campus to celebrate their students and the start of the fall academic session.
“Parents are just as much a part of the MC family as their students are,” said Donald, who is organizing Family Day activities for the first time. “Our students get a lot of support from their families, so we want to make sure they are engaged in what’s happening on our campus and have an opportunity to spend quality time with their students while they’re here.”
The Pochés enjoy interacting with their children and other Mississippi College students during the weekend.
“Our students love having our family visit them for Family Weekend – it’s a special time for them to update us on their lives at MC,” Aimee said. “They enjoy sharing their experiences, and we love listening to them.
“Tommy and I are most looking forward to hugging our children and spending the weekend with them. But some of our friends’ children also attend MC, so Family Weekend has become a wonderful event, not only to see our children, but also to fellowship with friends from home and meet new friends we have made at MC.”
Family Weekend will feature a variety of events for students and families to enjoy together. Plans inclide open residence halls for families to visit their students’ living quarters on campus; “Squeal Night” in the Quad, when students who went through recruitment find out their new social club or tribe; and the raucous Friday night Pep Rally at Alumni Hall, where members of the MC cheerleading squad, dance team, and band will amp up the MC family’s excitement for the weekend.
The next morning, Family Weekend participants will be invited to a “meet-and-greet” featuring MC President Blake Thompson; visit residence hall rooms; enjoy Main Street Clinton events in Olde Towne directly across from the main campus; and cheer on MC’s student-athletes as they parade through the Quad during the Choctaw Walk, a big part of the afternoon’s tailgating activities. Families can then huddle up at Robinson-Hale Stadium for the football match against Gulf South Conference-foe North Greenville at 6 p.m.
Donald said all of the events are designed for parents and families to share in their students’ excitement and love for Mississippi College.
“I enjoy having a campus full of students and their families who are savoring the Choctaw experience,” Donald said. “The students ‘live and breathe’ MC every day, so this event lets families see what their students are experiencing here at Mississippi College.
“Watching families come to campus and embrace MC like their students have is gratifying. We encourage them to tailgate and make the most of their time with their students and the MC family.”
He said the enthusiastic support Family Weekend receives from the president helps make it one of the most treasured events of the fall at Mississippi College.
“Dr. Thompson is such a student-centric president,” Donald said. “Seeing him engaging and celebrating with our families is another thing that makes Mississippi College unique in the way that we serve our students. From the families’ perspective, seeing him become involved in their students’ lives shows who Mississippi College really is as an institution – a place that honors the Lord and serves its students and families.
“It’s a testament to the type of experience that students get at MC – engaging with Dr. Thompson and getting to know our faculty and staff. Parents and families get to see that play out while they’re here on campus, and it speaks to the type of environment and support our students receive.”
Thompson’s enthusiasm for students has not gone unnoticed by the Poché family.
“Parents who are seeking the right college for their children, one that offers both academic excellence and a strong Christian foundation, should consider Mississippi College,” Aimee said. “The staff at MC goes above and beyond to connect with students and support them in their academic and spiritual journeys. Family Weekend is just one of many exciting events throughout the year that engage both students and their families.
“For our family, this commitment to academic excellence and spiritual growth, along with the culture MC has created, truly sets Mississippi College apart from other universities.”
Most Family Weekend events are free of charge, but parents and family members will need to purchase tickets for the football game. For more information or to register for Family Weekend, click here. To purchase meal tickets or football tickets, click here.
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