The Multicultural Student Association Invites You To
Celebrate “Choctaw Expressions!”
The day's events begin with Choctaw dancers followed by Storytelling by the Choctaw Tribal Language Program. Eleanor Chickaway will demonstrate Choctaw basket weaving, Shaya Hicks will demonstrate Choctaw beading, and the 2023-2024 Choctaw Indian Princess Nalani LuzMaria Thompson will be a special guest. Choctaw baskets, beadwork, and concessions, including Indian tacos, will be sold.

Choctaw Princess Nalani LuzMaria Thompson

- 1:30 pm – Choctaw Traditional Dancers
- 2:00 pm – Storytelling by Choctaw Tribal Language Program
- 2:30 pm – Stickball presentation/demo by Sequita Phillips and Abbigail Jefferson
- 3:00 pm – Storytelling by Choctaw Tribal Language Program
- 3:30 pm – Choctaw Traditional Dancers