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Personal Information

VA Education Benefit Information

Select and Complete the Chapter authorizing your benefits. *
If you chose Chapter 33, What percentage of the benefits are you eligible? (not the number of months of eligibility)
. Have you previously used this VA benefit? Note: If no, you must apply with VA to use benefits. *
Are these your earned benefits from your time of military service (Veteran) or were these transferred to you (Dependent or Spouse)? *
If you are a Veteran, using benefits you have earned serving in our US Military, what branch did you serve under?
If you are currently serving in a Reserve or Active capacity, please indicate which component you are serving in:
If you are a member of our MS National Guard, are you planning to use SEAP benefits in conjunction with Chapter 33 benefits? If yes, this will decrease your SEAP payout by 50%.
Do you plan to use Federal Tuition Assistance in addition to your VA Education Benefit?
Note: Any tuition assistance used must be subtracted from the amount of Mississippi College tuition submitted to V.A.
Please note that we must have a signed FERPA from each student planning to use TA. Complete and return the FERPA form to the Office of the Registrar, Nelson Hall or mail to PO Box 4028, Clinton, MS 39058.
ONLY IF you are serving in an active or reserve capacity would you like to establish eligibility for MC's Reduced Military Rate. (This rate is not applicable to all programs of study. Information is found on MC's website for further details.)

Academic Information

3. I am requesting certification for term: *
4. Have you attended MC before? *
Are you registered for an externship, internship or clinical course? *
Note: A transfer student continuing your benefits or changing degree program must submit a VA Form 22-1995 or VA 22-5495 using the VONAPP website. A continuing MC student changing major may submit a paper copy to our office.
8. My Program of Study is: *
