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Majors & Degrees


Master’s degree students have the opportunity to study the best of English, American and world literature through these comprehensive English courses in Mississippi.

Earn your English degree

Students of English are prepared not only for careers in the field but for any of the many careers that emphasize elocution and communication – including publishing, advertising, public relations, program development, administration and technical writing.

The MC experience

Mississippi College’s goal of advancing the genuine well-being of our community and promoting Christian values complements your goals of balancing responsibilities including children, school activities, and even full-time careers. We want to make education easier and more accessible for you. That is why our graduate-level English courses are offered in the evenings.

Master of Arts in English

Earning a Master of Arts in English is the first step on the path toward a Ph.D. If you earned your English degree in Mississippi with the hopes of becoming a college professor, this is the program for you. To be admitted to the program, the English department requires 18 undergraduate hours in English coursework; critical writing samples submission; minimum GRE scores of 146 verbal, 140 quantitative and 2.5 writing; and 12 credit hours or applicable fluency in one foreign language.

Master of Education in English

The Master of Education in English can be earned by completing 30 hours of graduate classes, no thesis required. Students who have already received their Class A secondary school teaching certificates are eligible to be accepted into the program and upgrade their certification to AA level. Through 24 hours of English classes and six hours of education courses, graduates will be prepared to lead classes of their own at all levels.

Career options

Those pursuing English degree careers have the opportunity to specialize in this field or to take on roles in a variety of other areas, including the following:

  • Advertising
  • Public relations
  • Technical writing 

Our faculty seeks to involve students actively in the learning process by encouraging them to discuss and write about the literature studied in their classes, and in composition classes, students learn to write using personal computers with guided practice in the process of writing. An English major at Mississippi College will study under faculty who are experts in their fields and see their work from a Christian viewpoint.