Represent MC and Help Build Our Community.
The Choctaw Ambassadors are students selected to represent MC and its students, faculty, staff, and alumni by serving as a liaison between the university and its various constituents, including the Board of Trustees, Foundation Board, alumni, current and prospective donors, parents, faculty, staff, the community-at-large, and students. They assist the university president in university advancement whenever there is a need and serve as hosts at university special events both on and off campus. Furthermore, Choctaw Ambassadors actively contribute to the university community by building internal and external relationships for its advancement. One of their key tasks is to positively and accurately communicate the MC story with all constituents.

Qualifications for Membership
- Enrolled as an undergraduate student at MC for three semesters (excluding summer term), including the semester of selection
- Maintain a 3.0 grade point average and remain in good standing at MC
- Represent MC in a credible manner throughout the entire year
- Attend a minimum of 75% of monthly meetings and ambassador events
Nominated by MC President, Administration, Faculty, or Staff or apply directly online
Serve 1.5 hours per month at the Latimer House (Calendar of opportunities will be provided during the fall semester)
Attend Choctaw Ambassadors Retreat and Dinner
- Understand and abide by the Mississippi College Choctaw Ambassadors guidelines and all policies of the MC administration, including the Honor Code outlined in the Student Handbook
Membership & Length of Term
Each fall semester, Ambassadors are nominated by MC faculty and staff or apply with a personal recommendation letter. Ambassadors are expected to serve after completing the mandatory orientation retreat and typically serve for a maximum of three years, or until the privilege is revoked by the Mississippi College administration. If students continue their enrollment for a fifth year, they may be asked to continue serving, unless they have already completed 3.5 years of service. Ambassadors do not meet during the summer but may occasionally be called upon for special events or functions, depending on availability.
Throughout their term, Ambassadors must represent Mississippi College with dedication and integrity. Their selection is based on their commitment to the university and their ability to contribute positively to its community.
Selection Process
Faculty & staff members are encouraged to nominate outstanding students to apply for admission into the program.
Information Session
Nominees receive an invitation to attend an interest meeting to learn more about the program.
Applications and recommendation forms should be submitted after the interest meeting.
Applicants attend a mixer with Foundation Staff and other Campus Representatives (such as returning ambassadors). Applicants will be assessed on characteristics such as professionalism, authenticity, warmth, hospitality, body language, conversation skills and more.
Ambassador selection committee will convene and select approximately 15-20 students as finalists who will be invited to continue through the process.
Interview & Selection
Finalists will participate in an interview process. Final selections will then be made and new members will be invited to join the program.
Interest Meeting: February 18th, 4:15 PM at Latimer House
Applications Due: February 21st
Mixer: Feburay 25th, 4 PM at Latimer House
Interviews Begin: February 28th - March 6th