Summer Missions
The BSU equips and sends students across the world for the cause of Christ. These students serve either internationally or with the North American Mission Board. The application process for summer missions is held in the fall of each school year, with local interviews conducted the week following Thanksgiving. If you are interested in being a part of what God is doing through summer missions, you can call our office or check out the state BSU website.

Short Term Missions
The MC BSU travels to different areas of the country and the world to serve in short term ministry projects as a group. These projects are usually 1 week or 2 weeks in length but allow students another chance to go when they feel called to serve. We have teams participating in 'Christmas in China, ' a statewide two-week outreach during Christmas Break; Spring Break trips (1 week), and in May (varies). To find out more, contact our office.
Individuals may also be assigned for a short-term time of service, ranging from a semester with 'Hands-On Missions' to two year 'Journeymen" appointments. For further details on these options, contact the BSU or go to www.imbstudents.org.