Welcome to MC!
Look for us during Welcome Week to find out what the BSU does and how you can get plugged in.

LAUNCH Retreat
This retreat is held at a nearby center on the weekend of Welcome Week and is a great opportunity for both freshmen and upperclassmen to get to know one another. Kick off the fall with God's heartbeat in mind!
Summer Missions Deadline
Applications are due and local interviews are held the week after Thanksgiving.
Summer Missions Banquet
Each year, the BSU Summer Missionaries are presented at a Spring Banquet held to raise support for their summer projects.
College Student Conference
This weekend of praise and worship, Bible study, and introduction of the summer missions program is held at a church in the Metro Jackson Area. Sponsored by the state office of Baptist Collegiate Ministry, this conference is open to all college students in Mississippi.
Leadership Conference
Offered in April on our campus, this conference is also statewide and sponsored by Baptist Collegiate Ministry. It provides leadership training opportunities and culminates with the commissioning of summer missionaries.

Winter Retreat
Each February, we host a weekend retreat for college students for a time of worship, biblical teaching, fun, and community. For most BSU students, the Winter Retreat is one of the best weekends of their school year. Registration begins in January.