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Recruitment for MC's clubs and Tribes for fall 2024 will take place in September 2024. The Office of Student Engagement and The Council are excited to offer a Recruitment Process that will help students find their place in one of our 10 Social Organizations. The cost of Recruitment is $100 and opens on July 3rd, 2024. You can sign up by clicking the "Sign Up" link. The Recruitment fee is due when you sign up, and sign-ups close on September 10, 2024 at 11:59 pm. The fee increases to $125 beginning on August 19th. If individuals do not sign up by September 10, they will not go through Recruitment during the 2024-2025 school year.

Sign Up for Recruitment now

Recruitment Events

Important Dates

Wednesday, July 3, 2024
10:00 am CST
Registration for Recruitment Opens

Thursday, September 5, 2024
9:00 pm CST
Block Party on the Bricks- Recruitment Kickoff
Come and get to know the Clubs and Tribes on the Brick Streets before Recruitment begins! 

Tuesday, September 10, 2024
7:00 pm CST
Recruitment Opening Night
Swor Auditorium

Tuesday, September  10, 2024
8:30 pm CST
Twilight Tailgate
The Quad

Tuesday, September  10, 2024
Midnight CST
Recruitment Registration Closes

Thursday, September 12, 2024
9:00 pm CST
Coke Parties
Decerto - 1826
Kokoa - Jennings Courtyard
Rotaract - The Quad
Kissimee - The Bowl
Swannanoa - East/West Patio

Friday, September 13, 2024
7:00 pm CST
Coke Parties
Civitan - MCC Courtyard
Shawreth - Jennings
Chenoa - Piazza
Laguna - Latimer House
Nenamoosha - The Bowl

Friday, September 13, 2024
10:00 pm CST
Interest Cards Open
Potential New Members (PNMs) will be able to rank their interests for which organization they would like to become a New Member once the Interest Card opens. This does not guarantee PNMs will be placed in this organization, but it allows the organizations to know which PNMs are interested in coming to their Invite Parties. Interest Cards are due no later than 11:00 am on Saturday, September 14, 2024. 

Sunday, September 15, 2024
10:00 pm CST
Invites for Invite Parties Go Out

Monday, September 16, 2024
9:00 pm CST
Invite Parties
Decerto - Holloway Rotunda
Kokoa - The Bowl
Kissimee - Jennings Courtyard
Nenamoosha - The Piazza
Swannanoa - Firepit Square

Tuesday, September 17, 2024
9:00 pm CST
Invite Parties 
Civitan- Holloway Rotunda
Rotaract - The Phillips House
Shawreth - MCC Courtyard
Chenoa - Jennings Courtyard
Laguna - The Bowl

Thursday, September 19, 2024
7:00 pm CST
Tribe Last Chance Events
Chenoa - The Bowl
Kissimee - Holloway Rotunda
Laguna - The Piazza
Nenamoosha - Anderson Hall West
Swannanoa - Latimer House

9:00 pm CST
Club Last Chance Events
Civitan - Jennings Courtyard
Decerto - 1826
Kokoa - Caf Patio
Rotaract - MCC Courtyard
Shawreth - East/West Patio

Friday, September 20, 2024
New Member Meetings
Girls: 9:30 pm
Guys: 10:45 pm
Swor Auditorium
These meetings will discuss Mississippi College's New Member Bill of Rights and the Mississippi College GPA policy. It is required for all Potential New Members that fill out a Pref Card. 

Thursday, September 19, 2024
11:15 pm CST
Pref Cards Open
Potential New Members will be given the opportunity to pref which organization they would like to become a New Member of once the Pref Card opens.  The Pref Card opens at 11:15 pm on September 19, and closes at 7:00 am on September 20th. No Pref Cards will be accepted after 7:00 am - no exceptions will be made.

Friday, September 20, 2024
7:30 pm CST
Family Squeal/Reveal Night *
Come enjoy some refreshments before you find out which organization you will be joining! Families are welcome! 

Friday, September 20, 2024
8:30 pm CST
Squeal Night
Swor Auditorium