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Squeal & Reveal Night

Squeal Night

The day after pref day is referred to as Squeal Night for Tribes and Reveal Night for Clubs. This is the first official day of the New Member Process.

Squeal Night is when the female PNMs find out what Tribe they will become a New Member of. Female PNMs meet in Swor at 8:30 on Squeal Night. Upon arrival they will receive locations across campus to go to. Different Tribes are at each location excited to meet their new members!

Reveal Night is when male PNMs find out what Club they will become a New Member of. Male PNMs will receive a call from their organization after 8:30 on Reveal Night with further instructions. Each Club has a unique way of welcoming their New Members.

This year, Squeal/Reveal Night takes place on the Friday of Family Weekend. We invite parents of all students joining an organization to join us at 7:30 on the Quad to eat popcorn, take pictures, and hang out. At 8:30, families of female PNMs will be split into locations to watch the girls "run home" and male PNMs and their families are welcome to hang out on the quad and watch the excitement!

If you would like sign up your family for Family Weekend and join in on the Squeal/Reveal Night experience, you can sign up here: Family Weekend.