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How do I get in a club or tribe?

Anyone who wants to become a member of a club or tribe must participate in Recruitment. Specific guidelines for attending events are outlined at the Recruitment meeting.

How do I sign up for Recruitment?

Just click the Recruitment sign-up button! Fill out the form, and then you will be directed to pay the Recruitment fee. The Recruitment Fee is $100.

What is a PNM?

A PNM is a potential new member. Anyone going through Recruitment is considered a PNM.

What is the point of Recruitment?

Recruitment is designed for potential new members (PNMs) to get to know clubs and tribes and club and tribe members to get to know PNMs. The events during Recruitment were created to stimulate conversations where both parties can get to know one another.

What is the price of Recruitment?

$100. This covers food at Parties, Recruitment shirts, which will help supplement the Organizations to host so many events in such a short time frame. Price will rise to $125 after the date of August 19th.

How will I know my schedule for Recruitment?

Each PNM will receive a colored wristband. These colored wristbands will symbolize your Recruitment Group. PNMs will be given a schedule based on the color of their group. These are when they go to the coke and recruitment parties and sign in using your color. PNMS must have their wristbands on throughout recruitment.

What if I'm an athlete? Can I go through Recruitment?

Absolutely! Recruitment is time-consuming, but athletes are always welcome to go through, and the Council accommodates practice and class schedules. Our Vice Presidents and New Member Chairs will work with athletes to ensure they can do both and work with each New Member to fulfill other commitments like classes, on or off-campus jobs, or previous commitments.

How do potential new members (PNMs) get into a club or tribe?

A system of mutual selection is used for placement in clubs and tribes. The Council created the mutual selection as a placement system unique to Mississippi College. Both PNMs and clubs and tribes have input in the placement of new members. At the end of Recruitment, PNMs, rank the clubs or tribes in order of their preference. Also, clubs and tribes will create a list of PNMs that they would like to have as new members in their organizations. The PNM rankings and the club/tribe lists are then matched.

Can a PNM be cut from the Recruitment process?

No. Every PNM that goes through Recruitment and meets the guidelines established by The Council for new membership in a club or tribe can be in a club or tribe. No one is cut from the Recruitment process.

But what if I'm not on any club or tribe's list?

You will still receive a spot in a club or tribe based on your preferences and available spots within each organization.

How will I get information about Recruitment?

After signing up for Recruitment, it is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT you check your MC email. This is the only way that The Council will communicate with you.

What is a New Member and what is the New Member Process?

A new member is an individual going through the process of becoming an active member of an organization. New Membership looks different for every organization but is a time commitment for the duration of the process. We do ask our New Members to be committed to their organization’s process and make it a priority to be at as many events as they can. The New Member Process is up to 4 weeks long- each organization has varying lengths of their New Member Process.

If you have further questions, please email Kelsey Sanchez at or call the Office of Student Engagement at 601.925.7714.